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someone didnt comment for 1 year

but i did it

Chemical Plant says its incomplete but its complete.

Hey guys! Just made an account (school blocked the Github sign-in, ๐Ÿ˜ญ), and I was wondering if you wanted to play the modded version with me! I always get on whenever it's dead here for some reason, or I have to leave once somebody is playing/joined. It sucks! Email me or join the chat site!

Simple 'lil site:

KKT's Silly Mod!:

your right it crashed

trying to crouch and jump by mvoing will twice up sonic's speed to 2x faster

We need android port

i disagree

Add Knuckles And Wario if u want

ya I want Wario mod

Sonic, Tails, Minecraft??!?!?!?!?

Good game!

Mario keeps hacking our game. It is pretty annoying ngl



this game is prob broken

void fixed yet?

prob not

darn :(

hey hyper :D


yo, Hypercat. I have a suggestion for this mod.

what is it?

add peter griffin as a playable character


lol that would be funny


but uhh


when sonic,tails, or any map that makes all player do the spin jump if you crouch and jump it's close the spin dash

the white screen gives an eerie vibe, you should fix that

also instead of spamming a lot of courses you should focus on making the ones you have good, like adding more enemies to sonic themed levels and maybe even sonic themed enemies

this game is fun but it needs polishing, although its a work in progress


its good for a mario and sonic fan like me

i really like this mod

someone joined me but they did on the normal game

ok now i see  the goofyness

Game so goofy

I like the little secrets that are scattered across the maps.

can you list all the work in progress maps?


if the name has {} it's unfinished. if it has [] it's finished

Ok thx


Big grass is broken yet it says its finished

I broke if after finishing it, didn't realize until after the web build

There's a black hole that can turn you mini!

It was initially a test powerup. Then I gave it a rare chance of accuring and in V2 its either going to have a brand new sprite or simply not exist. 

yo hypercat how is it going?

decent. Haven't seen you in a while

i know man same

What all did you update this time?

do you plan to add the full Sonic Rush Sonic move-set?

not really

plz do :(


Btw Here Some Smw Sprites For 2D 

this is his sheet, i think i have enough sprites. thanks anyway. he probably won't last until next update

Don't Know How Test 3D Works But Is A Cool Map Tho From SM64

why dos the void map crash the game 

downloading the game fixes it.

So, this is the re-animated version of the original. Nice!



i like this mod is just like cubby if you add more to the game and fix some things in it the all i got to say about the game :)

except with effort put into each character to make them feel like themselves.... yeah it's not like cubby mod..

okie dokie...

